Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Program Accreditations

Program Accreditations

Özyeğin University has prioritized the quality of education by national and international standards since its establishment and has set the goal of obtaining program accreditations to substantiate this. Our university has successfully obtained all the national and international accreditations it aimed for at the undergraduate program level. ÖzU achieved the remarkable feat of securing all these accreditations in the most extended possible duration and on the first attempt, making it the youngest university to have earned them. Emphasizing the attainment of program accreditations with the highest national and international standards, our university's relevant undergraduate programs have achieved the distinction of being the only programs accredited in Turkey by AABI (Aviation Accreditation Board International) and APCHA (Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration), both of which are based in the United States.

Below you can find information about our programs that are already accredited and that are in the process of accreditation.


Faculty/SchoolProgramAccrediting BodyDuration of Accreditation
Faculty of Engineering

Computer Science
Electric & Electronic Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

(Association for Evaluation and

Accreditation of Engineering Programs)

01.05.2016 -30.09.2027     
01.05.2016 -30.09.2027      
01.05.2016 -30.09.2027       
01.05.2016 -30.09.2027 


Faculty of Social SciencesPsychologyTPD
(Turkish Psychological Association)
01.05. 2016- 01.05.2028
School of LanguagesPrepatory English
Modern Languages
(European Association for Quality Language Services)
30.06. 2016- 30.06.2024

Faculty of Aviation and

Aeronautical Science

Professional FlightTurkish General Directorate of Civil AviationRenewed annually

Faculty of Aviation and

Aeronautical Science

Aviation Management

Professional Flight

AABI ( Aviation Accreditation Board International16.07.2021-21.07.2026

Faculty of Architecture

and Design

Architecture (Tr)
Architecture (Eng)

(Architectural Accrediting Board)

School of Business

Business Administration
International Business and Trade
International Finance
Management Information Systems
MSc in Financial Engineering(with and without thesis)
PhD in Business
(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)

School of Applied Sciences

Hotel ManagementACPHA
(Accreditation Commission for Programs In Hospitality Administration)



MÜDEK (Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs ): MÜDEK, is a non-governmental organization operating for the purpose of contributing to the enhancement of quality of engineering education in Turkey by means of the accreditation and evaluation of and providing information services for engineering education programs in different disciplines.

TPD (Türk Psikologlar Derneği): TPD was founded in 1976 with the aims of Providing help to psychologists and psychology organizations to reach contemporary level in Turkey. It has been authorized to give Accreditation to psychology programs in the national level and give EuroPsy European Psyhology Certificate in the international level.

EAQUALS (European Association for Quality Language Services): EAQUALS is one of the most prominent institutions in Europe that accredites foreign languaged education.

AABI (Aviation Accreditation Board International): Initially created as the Council on Aviation Accreditation (CAA), the non-profit organization was established in October 1988 with the first deliberations on accreditation actions in July 1992.

MIAK ( Archirectural Education Accreditation Association): MIAK was established in 2006 under the name of the Architectural Accreditation Board and has gained independent association status as of 2019. The main purpose of MiAK is to contribute to improving the quality of architectural education by carrying out accreditation, external quality assessment and information studies for architectural education programs in Turkey.

AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business): AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is the world’s largest business education network connecting students, academia, and business to advance business education worldwide. AACSB provides internationally recognized, specialized accreditation for business and accounting programs at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level. Founded in 1916, AACSB is a global association of more than 1,500 member organizations in over 90 countries.

ACPHA (Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration): ACPHA is an accreditation body that accredits hospitality management/management programs in higher education institutions offering associate and undergraduate degrees in the United States and internationally.