- I have been admıtted to Ozyegın Unıversıty and I wısh to stay ın the dormıtorıes. How and when can I complete my dormıtory regıstratıon?
Dormitory applications will be invited during the enrollment week. Please
check for the latest announcements and further details about dormitory applications.
- Can I choose my own room mate when I apply for the dormıtorıes?
Dormitory applications are accepted via
SIS system. If you specify the student number of the person you wish to be your roommate in your online application form, we will do our best to meet your request based on our available capacity and the order of priority. Please note that the person you wish to be your roommate must also identify you as his/her preferred roommate. Roommate requests are met only when all of the requesters are assigned to the same room type.
Can I change my room ıf I cannot get along wıth my room mate? You can apply to change your roommate only once in a semester via email at
yurt@ozyegın.edu.tr. We will do our best to meet your request at the earliest convenience based on our available capacity.
- When can I check ın? When can I check out?
Check-in and check-out dates are determined by Accommodation Services Management annually based on the academic calendar. Students who are admitted to the dormitories can check in their rooms after duly completing their dormitory registrations, signing the necessary forms, and submitting the required documents within the dates announced by the Accommodation Services Management. The checkout dates are announced to students at the end of each semester. Students may also check out from the dormitories at any time during the academic year at their own discretion for various reasons by completing the necessary checkout procedures.
- What should I do ıf I mıss the applıcatıon deadlıne? Can I submıt a late applıcatıon?
Should there be any available capacity in the dormitories, late applications may be invited for students who have missed the application deadline. Students are informed via either MyOzU or their OzU emails about late applications.
- Last year I submıtted the requıred documents for dormıtory regıstratıons. Do I need to renew my documents thıs year? If so, where and when wıll I submıt them?
Students must renew their documents each year, even if they submitted their documents in the previous year. Documents must be submitted to Accommodation Services Management on the move-in they.Failure to submit required documents will result in being disqualified to check in the dormitories.
- If I am a resıdent ın the dormıtorıes durıng the Fall semester, do I stıll need to submıt a new dormıtory applıcatıon for the Sprıng semester?
All dormitory applications were accepted as Annual Registration. Therefore, Fall Semester residents do not need to re-apply to continue to stay in the dormitories in the Spring Semester. Semester applications are accepted only for the academic reasons specified in the Dormitory Directives.
- Can I stay ın the dorms durıng the summer term?
Students who attend the summer school, or complete their summer internships, or participate in on-campus projects may stay in our dormitories during the dates specified by Accommodation Services Management. However, admission of students who complete their internships or participate in on-campus projects is subject to the approval of their faculties. The application period and requirements for the summer term are announced to students via email.
- When do I have to pay the deposıt?
If your application is approved, you can pay your security deposit within the dates announced by Accommodation Services Management for the respective application period. This payment can be made online by credit card/debit card via the SIS by clicking on the FINANCIAL INFORMATION >> DEBIT MONITORING AND E-PAYMENT tabs, or in cash at Fibabank branches by providing your "Student Number" or "TR / Foreigner Identification Number".The security deposit is a one-time payment. Once paid, the security deposit remains valid throughout your residence in the dormitories. If you move out of the dormitories, you will receive a refund for the security deposit you paid following a room inspection, after any costs associated with damages or missing room contents are deducted. In the event that the amount of security deposit has increased during your stay in the dormitories, you will need to pay the difference between the security deposit you previously paid and the new security deposit. The difference is paid in the subsequent dormitory application period.
You need to vacate your room, visit the Accommodation Services Office, sign the check-out documents, and return your room card.
- What happens ıf I leave the dormıtorıes wıthout duly completıng the checkout procedures?
In a case where a resident leaves the dormitory without duly competing the check-out procedures in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations, Accommodation Services Management will not be help responsible for any personal belongings left in the rooms. Furthermore, students who fail to complete the checkout procedures are subject to a disicplinary action of warning as per the Dormitory Directives.
- I vacated my room. I dıd not leave any personal belongıngs behınd, but I was ın a hurry. Therefore, I gave my room card to my frıend and left the dormıtory wıthout sıgnıng the checkout form. Would that be a problem?
Residents are required to duly complete their checkout procedures, even if they vacated their rooms. The checkout responsibility cannot be assigned to anyone else.
- What happens ıf I cannot pay the housıng fees on tıme?
Failure to pay the housing fees before the announced due date will result in expulsion from the dormitories, and the transfer of the room assignment to the students on the waiting list.
- Other than my personal belongıngs, what should I brıng when I move ınto the dorms?
Our dormitory rooms have, mattresses, undersheets, blankets, beds, wardrobes, desks, chairs, fridges, armchairs (only in some of the room types) and desk lamps. Students are expected to bring their own bedding and textile items such as pillows, bed sheets, towels, and duvets.
- Can I get some help to carry my stuff?
Unfortunately, Accommodation Services Management does not have any staff who can help you move your luggage and other belongings into your rooms. However, we have carts available to assist you with your move. You can use our carts to carry your personal belongings to your room.
- I have a problem wıth my floor/buıldıng/room/roommate. Wıth whom should I contact fırst to solve these problems?
The Accommodation Services offices are open 24/7. You may contact our staff anytime for any problem you may have, either by visiting our offices in person, or sending an email at
yurt@ozyegin.edu.tr, or by phone at 0216 564 9190 - 9189.
- I lost/accıdentally left my room card. What should I do?
If you leave their room card somewhere, you may visit the Dormitory Office in their building, and obtain a temporary card valid for one day. If you lose your room card, you may request a new room card. However, a replacement fee of 100 TL is assessed for lost room cards. Once this amount is charged to your student account via the SIS, you may pay it either online, or in cash at Fibabank.
- May I obtaın the room number, contact detaıls, bırth date or any other ınformatıon of my frıend who stays ın the dormıtory?
We cannot disclose any information of our residents to anyone due to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (PPDL) requirements.
- Can I get a refund for the securıty deposıt I paıd when I move out ın summer?
Students may get a refund for the security deposit they paid when they permanently move out from the dormitories. Students must complete the Refund Request Form to claim their refund.
- What happens ıf I am suspended from the Unıversıty? Does ıt affect my resıdence ın the dormıtory?
Suspended students are not allowed to stay in the dorms during the term of their suspension.
- I am a student at Özyeğın Unversıty but I am not actıvely pursuıng my studıes. Can I stıll resıde at the OzU dormıtorıes?
You must be a registered student in order to maintain your eligibility to stay in the dormitories. Otherwise, you may not stay in the dormitories.
- Can my parents, sıblıngs or frıends stay ın my room?
Sleeping quarters are open to residents only. Non-residents, including the parents of residents, are not allowed in the sleeping quarters as guests or for overnight stay.
- A frıend of mıne stays ın a double room, and the other bed ıs not occupıed. Sınce I am also a dorm resıdent, can I use the unoccupıed bed?
Students are required to stay in their own rooms assigned by Accommodation Services Management. Students cannot access other residents’ rooms as guests for any reason.
- Can an Özyeğın Unıversıty student who ıs not a resıdent of the OzU dorms stay ın my room durıng the exam perıod, or under bad weather condıtıons or for any reason?
Sleeping quarters are open to residents only. Non-residents are not allowed in the sleeping quarters for any reasons. If there are any vacancies in the dormitories and vacant rooms are planned to be opened for daily accommodation, all students are notified with an announcement, and daily accommodation can be offered based on availability.
- I study at Özyeğın Unıversıty. My sıblıng has been admıtted to another unıversıty ın Istanbul. Can I stay wıth my sıblıng at the Özyeğın Unıversıty dormıtorıes?
The Özyeğin University dormitories are open to Özyeğin University students only. Students of other universities are not allowed in the dormitories.
- Can I have a pet ın my room?
Feeding or keeping pets is not allowed in the dormitories.
- Can I put up posters, announcements, pıctures etc. on the announcement boards or ın the common areas ın the dormıtorıes?
You may put up announcements or posters on the designated areas. Any posters or announcements you wish to post must be approved by Accommodation Services and stamped by the Student Services Directorate.
- Could you please gıve some ınformatıon about the fıre detectors ın the rooms?
The detectors in the dorm rooms are smoke detectors. The smoke detectors first send silent alarms, and then normal audible alarms to the control center. Disabling or removing the smoke detectors will be considered a dangerous act and result in penalties.
- Could you please gıve some ınformatıon about the fıre extınguıshers on the floors?
Fire extinguishers on the floors are dry chemical powder type extinguishers, while fire extinguishers in the kitchens are carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. The use of fire extinguishers for any other purposes than putting out a fire will be considered a dangerous act and result in penalties.
- What happens ıf I leave my personal belongıngs behınd ın the common areas?
As the common areas are open to all residents 24/7, students are personally responsible for any items they leave behind. Any unattended items found in the common areas are delivered to the Security Center by Accommodation Services Management.
- What happens ıf I leave my dırty dıshes ın the communal kıtchen?
Students are personally responsible for any personal belongings left behind in the communal kitchens. Any items abandoned/left behind in the communal kitchens for more than one day will be disposed.
- What happens ıf I leave my ıtems ın the laundry room?
As the laundry rooms are open to all residents 24/7, students are personally responsible for any items left behind in the laundry room. Any items abandoned/left behind in the laundry rooms for more than one day will be disposed.
- What happens ıf I vıolate the dormıtory dırectıves?
Any violation of the Dormitory Directives will result in warnings and/or penalties by Accommodation Services Management and the Dormitory Discipline Commission. The continuation or repetition of unacceptable conduct or violation of the dormitory directives may lead to expulsion from the dormitories and permanent loss of eligibility to stay in the dormitories.