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Jul 12, 2024 - Jul 19, 2024

Asst. Prof. Başak Ozan Özparlak and Asst. Prof. Müge Çetin Join the BEiNG-WISE Project under COST Action

Assistant Professor Başak Ozan Özparlak and Assistant Professor Müge Çetin from the Department of Information Technology Law at the Özyegin University Faculty of Law have joined the “BEiNG-WISE” project conducted by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) organization.

The project, “Behavioral Next Generation in Wireless Networks for Cyber Security (BEiNG-WISE),” aims to ensure the security of next-generation wireless networks (5G/6G) from technical, social, and legal perspectives. Dr. Ozan Özparlak and Dr. Çetin are part of Working Group 1, Working Group 2, and Working Group 4 under COST. Since 1971, COST has received various European Union funds, including those from Horizon Europe. Through this interdisciplinary study, our university will play a pivotal role internationally in strengthening non-traditional wireless cybersecurity solutions for next-generation wireless networks from both technical and social aspects.

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