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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Jul 30, 2018

ÖzÜ TTO: (New Call) Newton Advanced Fellowship and Newton Mobility Grant Calls are Open


 Dear Faculty Members,


Newton Advanced Fellowships

They provide early to mid-career international researchers who already have a track record with an opportunity to develop their research strengths and capabilities, and those of their group or network, through training, collaboration and visits with a partner in the UK. The award enables international researchers to establish and develop collaborations with the UK with the intention of transferring knowledge and research capabilities. The skills and knowledge gained should contribute to advancing economic development and social welfare of the partner country.

Deadline for application: September 5, 2018

Note: Researchers should hold a PhD degree and it should not be more than 15 years after receiving a PhD degree.


Please click here for the detailed information.


Newton Mobility Grant

They provide support for international researchers to establish and develop collaboration with UK researchers around a specific jointly defined research project. These one-year awards are particularly suited to initiate new collaborative partnerships, between scholars who have not previously worked together, or new initiatives between scholars who have collaborated in the past. Awards might include a range of related activities, but mobility (in the form of visits and exchanges, etc.) should form an integral part of proposals. The main purpose of the funding is to cover travel and maintenance costs, although costs related to other eligible activities will be considered.


Deadline for application:  September 5, 2018


Note: Researchers should hold a PhD degree.


Please click here for the detailed information.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact TTO via tto@ozyegin.edu.tr.


Kind regards,


Özyeğin University

Technology Transfer Office