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May 23, 2017

TEVITÖL Mechatronics Club has been awarded 3 prizes in Canada under the sponsorship of OzU

Mentored by the Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Asst. Prof. Ozkan Bebek, IMC (Inanc Mechatronics Club), the  Robotics Club of the Turkish Education Foundation (TEV), İnanç Turkes Private High School (TEVITÖL), represented our country in the international FRC (FIRST Robotic Competition) in Calgary, Canada and was awarded the most prestigious award of the competition, the Chairman's Award. The team will attend the FRC Finals to be held in Houston, USA.  IMC team has also made the finals with the performance of their robots among 60 competing teams from many countries such as China, Mexico, Poland, and USA. During the competitions, the team won 3 awards including the silver medal for their robot performance. Team captain Ms. Elif Dilge Gül was selected as "Dean's List Award Finalist" among over 500 students. 

Among the 44 teams from the FRC Turkey, including Robert College, Bahcesehir Science and Technology High School, Darüşşafaka High School and Hisar Schools, the IMC is among the 3 teams that were able won the Chairman's Award up to now.

A strong robotic community has been formed among TEVITÖL students, guided by their experience in FRC and their quest for university and career. Özyeğin University has been the proud sponsor of the IMC FRC teams since 2011 and OzU Robotics Laboratory faculty Özkan Bebek has been consulting on their projects since the formation in 2011.

The FIRST Foundation was founded in 1989 to educate science and technology leaders by developing programs in which confident young people can work with valuable mentors to develop science, engineering and technology skills, inspire innovation, and offer multi-disciplinary learning opportunities. The future vision of FIRST is fed by the passion of helping young people discover the excitement of science and technology.

FRC is designed as a competition that combines sports excitement with the challenges of science and technology. Within the framework of strict rules, limited resources and time limits, teams consisting of 25 students and over are required to produce their own brands, develop teamwork skills, make and program robots to perform tasks against competitors. The assigned tasks include real engineering problems that are appropriate for the level of high school students. Each team receives support from volunteer engineers and guidance specialists in professional matters, competes with the robots they design, and learns to use advanced software and hardware. Students are able to qualify for university education scholarships in excess of 20 million dollars. 

For more information about FIRST, please visit: http://www.usfirst.org