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Air Transportation Seminar

Özyeğin Üniversitesi
Orman Sk
Nişantepe Mahallesi, Çekmeköy, İstanbul 34794

We are going to have  Air Transportation seminar on Thursday, 11.02.2016.  We believe that attending to this seminar is beneficial for you, hopefully many students as possible are going to attend to this seminar. Here are the informations for the seminar;

Andy Foster
Senior Lecturer
Centre for Air Transport Management, Cranfield University

Title           :  Flying into the Future: The Development of Current Commercial Aircraft and Designs for the Future
Location   :  AB2-G30
Time          :  13:40

Short CV
Andy Foster is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Air Transport Management at Cranfield University in the UK. He graduated with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Bath and went on to work in Technical Sales for British Aerospace Regional Aircraft where he was involved in supporting sales campaigns for their aircraft around the world. He followed this with a period of consulting and data sales work before joining Cranfield University in 1999. At Cranfield Andy was the Course Director for the MSc in Air Transport Management from 2005 - 2009 and is now a Senior Lecturer involved in teaching about the air transport industry, aircraft performance and airline fleet planning on MSc modules and short courses at Cranfield and around the world.