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Oct 14, 2022 - Apr 30, 2026

Recommendations for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder


                         Recommendations for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder         


1) Working Regularly And Planned way

In a group with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and we are aware of a lot of planned development. However, it can still allow you to properly focus, plan the day-to-day plans needed to complete their budget, plan the day-to-day plans needed to complete their budget, and better focus. Daily plan reminder mobile apps can be unloaded, consumed from the load of timers, small notes and used by consumers and can help you stay calmer during the day.

2) Be Realistic In Your Expectations About Time

The fact that you take longer to complete tasks than other people or that you cannot remember important days is not because you are incompetent or clumsy, but simply because your brain is differently configured than other people's. Therefore, do not forget to take a break for your responsibilities when you need them. If you think you have problems with time management, you can benefit from time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, where you can organize your break and work times according to your needs.

3) Prioritize Stopping And Slowing Down

Because individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder tend to act impulsively most of the time, they may react to interrupting others or outbursts of anger that can harm their daily lives and relationships. You can get support from mindfulness and breathing practices to manage your impulses in a healthy way and make stopping and slowing down a habit. Also, if you try to count to 10 while breathing slowly instead of taking action in a crisis, you can see how quickly the urge dissipates.

4) Reduce Distractions

Eliminate all sources of distracting environmental stimuli around you at times when you need to work focused. If you notice that you are distracting from stimulus sources such as loud music, other people talking to each other, construction sounds from outside, or the television, turn off what you can, and if you can't, use earplugs or noise canceling headphones. To avoid distractions from your notifications, you can put your phone on airplane mode while you're working, move your workspace to a quieter room, and organize your space to help you stay focused.

5) Channel Your Excess Energy

Studies have shown that regular exercise in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder significantly reduces the symptoms of the disorder. If you think you are hyperactive or feel restless in your seat, it may be good to find a healthy way to channel your excess energy. Exercising, making time for an active hobby such as dancing, or even going out and walking for half an hour can help you feel better. After you move, you will feel more focused.

6) Learn To Say No

Your impulsive behavior can be a side effect of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, creating the illusion that your mind is burdened with more than it can handle. When you feel overwhelmed and exhausted, make it a habit to say 'no' as much as possible and ask yourself: "Can I really do this?" When you are comfortable with what is possible and what is not, you will be able to enjoy the things you say yes more.

7) Reward Yourself

At the end of the day, giving yourself a reward for the things you have trouble focusing on, can't pay attention to, but have to do can make it easier to fulfill your responsibilities. Before starting any project or undertaking a task you have to do, decide before you start how you will reward yourself when it is finished. Positive reinforcements, especially targeting intrinsic motivations, will help you maintain your determination and focus.

8) Feel Free To Get Help

If you have to use any medication prescribed by your doctor for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or any other related psychiatric problem, you should be careful to use them exactly as prescribed. In addition to medication, you can get psychotherapy support from a mental health professional and talk to your doctor if you or your therapist notice any side effects related to medication use.