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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Mar 16, 2018

Invitation to EndNote User Training

Dear Library Users,

You are kindly invited to EndNote User Training.

EndNote is a software that allows you to keep, search, import and share your references. It also helps you to import and organize citations and references with different citation styles.

EndNote User Training contents are as follows:

*Training will be in Turkish.

What is citation?
Creating bibliography for articles and thesis
What’s EndNote?
Creating personal bibliographic database
Reference record creation
Import options for reference records
Article searching in online databases
Organizing and managing personal EndNote databases
Article writing with EndNote
The training is going to take place on Wendesday, April 11st, 14.00-16.30 pm, at room 237, Architecture building. It is recommended for participants to bring their laptop for hands-on practise.

Best regards,
