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Korkmaz Hasmaden

Korkmaz Hasmaden

Associate Professor


Yildiz Technical University, Architecture Department Building Physics PhD Program, 2022


Gazi University, Architecture Department, 2015


Maltepe University, Architecture Department, 2010

Research Areas
Physical Environmental Control, Acoustic and Noise Control, Sustainability and Energy Efficient Design


Dr. Ferhan Hasmaden graduated from T.C. Maltepe University’s Architecture Department with a full scholarship in 2010. She completed her master's thesis titled “Analysis of the Effects of Improvement Proposals on the Thermal Performance of Existing Office Buildings on Energy Consumption” at Gazi University in 2015. She earned her PhD in 2022 with his dissertation titled “A Method and Application for Developing a Decision Support Tool for Photovoltaic Noise Barrier Design” at Yıldız Technical University’s Architecture/Building Physics Program. Her doctoral thesis was awarded the “Most Effective Doctoral Thesis (Entez) Award” by the Institute of Science at Yıldız Technical University. Dr. Hasmaden began working as a Research Assistant at Istanbul Gedik University’s Faculty of Architecture and Design in 2012 and served as an assistant professor from 2022 to 2024. Her main research interests include acoustics and noise control, sustainability, environment control, and solar energy. She teaches courses on Building Construction and Materials, and Environment Control.