Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr
Associate Professor (NS), Electromagnetic metamaterials, Photonics
Physics, Bilkent University, 1999
Physics, Bilkent University, 1995
Physics, Bilkent University, 1993
Experimental, theoretical and numerical methods in electromagnetic metamaterials, plasmonics, nanooptics
Kaan Güven completed his B.S. (1993), M.S. (1995), and Ph.D (1999) degrees in Physics at Bilkent University, Ankara. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Professor Klaus Von Klitzing at Max-Planck Institute for Solid-State Research, Stuttgart, in 1999 – 2001, and at the Nanotechnology Research Center of Bilkent University in 2002 – 2009. He participated in several international research projects funded by the European Union 5th and 6 th Framework Programmes, including one awarded by the prestigious Descartes Prize in 2005. He collaborated in the Nanotechnology Roadmap Strategic Reports prepared for the Department of Defense and Defense Industry Undersecreteriat. During 2009 – 2024 he was a faculty at the Physics Department, Koç University. He funded the Metamaterials and Plasmonics Research Laboratory and served at administrative positions for Undergraduate Core Curriculum, Computational Material Science and Engineering Graduate program, and the Frontiers Magazine of Koç University Press. In 2024 he joined Özyeğin University Faculty of Engineering.
Kaan Güven is conducting experimental and computational research in electromagnetic metamaterials, plasmonics and nanophotonics. He participated in the pioneering studies at national scale on the experimental demonstration of negative refraction and invisibility cloak based on metamaterials. His recent interests further include reservoir computing and machine learning in nonlinear physical and biological systems. His studies were awarded by National Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Funding Program (2008), FABED Eser Tümen Science Award (2010) and Tübitak TWAS Award in Physics (2011).