Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr



 About Private Law LL.M Program

Each of the courses in the masters program of Özyeğin University Institute of Social Sciences is given by academicians who are experts in their field.

Since the master lessons are given in Özyeğin University Altunizade Building between 18:00 -20:00 and 20:00-22:00 it is also suitable for those who are currently working in a job but also wants to enroll a graduate program.

Law Faculty graduates who attend masters program, will have more detailed information about the subjects they are taking in practice and may have a more advantageous position in the job they are considering to work, and those who still carry out as judges, lawyers, notaries or self-employed professions will have the opportunity to be more successful in their profession.  Students who will experience their differences in the study areas show their privilege will be awarded by the Master of Science in Social Sciences Institute of Özyeğin University.


The purpose of the program supported by the faculty members of Özyeğin University Faculty of Law, as well as other university’s faculty members and experts from the field is to provide a graduate education in this field, to develop the knowledge and experience to reinforce the existing information in problem solving.In order to carry out his/her profession more comfortably and properly, with seminars and thesis studies , students can recognize new scientific methods and tools and lastly they can specialize in certain subjects. Also this qualifications will make a positive contribution to right to legal remedies. The students in this field will also have the opportunity to develop their knowledge, experience and abilities and have an oppurtunity to carry out their profession in their expertise areas as well-raised jurists even more by participating in various activities that organized by the Faculty of Law in the field of private law.