Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr
Assistant Professor
Marketing, Swansea University UK, 2013
Marketing, University of Wales, Swansea
Koc University, Istanbul
SSCI Journal Articles
- Golgeci, I., Kurt, Y., Vashchillo-Mollett, K., Goduscheit, RC., Arslan, A. & Yeniaras, V. (2024) “Understanding the Role of Serial Acquisition and Subsidiary Autonomy in Providing Value Within Servitizing Industrial Networks”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, forthcoming.
- Yeniaras, V., Kaya, I., & Golgeci, I. (2024) “Exploring the Dark Side of Managerial Upselling Expectations: Exploratory and Exploitative Learning's Moderating Roles in Salesperson Emotional Exhaustion and Performance” Industrial Marketing Management, 117, 238-252.
- Yeniaras, V & Golgeci, I. (2023) “When does boundary-spanner burnout connect participation and customer relationship performance? The role of network centrality and network density”, Industrial Marketing Management, 112, 1-.13.
- Yeniaras, V. & Kaya, I. (2022) “Customer prioritization, product complexity and business ties: Implications for job stress and customer service performance”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 37(2), 417-432.
- Yeniaras, V., Di Benedetto A & Dayan V. (2021) “Effects of relational ties paradox on financial and non-financial consequences of servitization”, Industrial Marketing Management, 99, 54-68.
- Yeniaras, V. & Kaya, I (2021) “Relational governance, strategic planning and firm performance”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39(8), 1104-1120.
- Yeniaras, V., Di Benedetto, A., Kaya, I. & Dayan, M. (2021) “Relational governance, organizational unlearning and learning: Implications for performance outcomes”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36 (3), 469-492.
- Yeniaras V., Kaya, I., & Nick, A. (2020) “Social ties, innovation behaviour and new product performance: Understanding the role of institutional and market environments”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35(4), 699-719.
- Yeniaras, V., Kaya, I. & Dayan, M. (2020) “Mixed effects of business and political ties in planning flexibility: Insights from Turkey”, Industrial Marketing Management, 87, 208-224.
- Ndubisi, N. O., Dayan, M., Yeniaras, V. & Al-Hawari, M. (2020) “The effects of complementarity of knowledge and capabilities on joint innovation capabilities and service innovation: The role of competitive intensity and demand uncertainty”, Industrial Marketing Management, 87, 208-224.
- Menguc, B., Auh, S., Yeniaras, V., & Katsikeas, C. (2017) “The role of climate: implications for service employee engagement and customer service performance”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 428-451.
- Yeniaras, V., Sener, P. & Unver, S. (2017) “Is Market Learning the Missing Link Between Family Involvement – Firm Performance Relationship? A Resource-Based Perspective, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 13(2), 575-604.
- Yeniaras, V. & Akarsu, T.N. (2017) “Religiosity and life satisfaction: A multi-dimensional approach,” Journal of Happiness Studies, 18(6), 1815-1840.
- Yeniaras, V., & Akkemik, K. A. (2017). Materialism and fashion consciousness: The moderating role of status consumption tendencies and religiosity. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 56(3), 498-513.
- Yeniaras, V. & Unver, S (2016) “Revisiting the Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Behaviour on Proactiveness – Performance Relationship: The Role of Business Ties and Competitive Intensity”, European Management Review, 13(4), 291-306.
- Yeniaras, V. & Akkemik A. & Yucel E. (2016) “Re-considering the linkage between the antecedents and consequences of happiness”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 56(October), 176-191.
- Yeniaras, V. (2016) “Uncovering the Relationship between Materialism, Status Consumption and Impulsive Buying: Newfound Status of Islamists in Turkey”, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 44(25), 153-177.
- Simintiras, A., Yeniaras, V., Oney, E., & Tajinder B. (2014) “Redefining Confidence for Consumer Behaviour Research,” Psychology & Marketing, 31(6), 426-439.
Scopus Indexed Journal Articles
- Kaya I., Yeniaras, V. & Kaya, O. (2021) "Dimensions of religiosity, altruism, and life satisfaction" Review of Social Economy, 79(4), 717-748.
- Yeniaras, V. & Akarsu, T.N. (2017) “Frugal Doesn’t Mean Ordinary: A Religious Perspective”, Journal of Islamic Marketing 8(2), 204-217.
- Yeniaras, V. (2016) “Unpacking the Relationship between Materialism, Status Consumption and Attitude to Debt: The role of Islamic Religiosity”, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 7(2), 232-247.
Articles in Turkish Journals
- Yeniaras, V. (2023) “Contractual and relational governance, supplier integration and new product performance: Moderating roles of supplier dependence and supplier-specific investment”, Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Arastirmalari Dergisi, 16(1), 83-116.
- Yeniaras, V. (2023) “The relationship between supplier specific investment and new product performance: The moderating effects of output and process control, Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Arastirmalari Dergisi, 16(2), 457-772.
- Yeniaras, V. (2016) “Postmaterialism and Altruism: A Cross National Comparison” Journal of Economics, Business, Politics and International Relations, 2(1), 87-110.
- Yeniaras, V. & Akarsu, N. T. (2014) "The Relationship between Muslim Religiosity, Price-Value Consciousness Impulsive Buying Tendency and Regret: A Moderation Analysis," Iktisat, İsletme ve Finans, 29(243), 09-44.
- Yeniaras, V. & Kiymaz, H. (2015) “Subjective Life Expectancy, Materialistic Values and Saving: A Cross-National Perspective,” İktisat İsletme ve Finans, 30(352), 9-28.
- Yeniaras, V. (2015) “İslami Dindarlık, Tutumluluk ve Materyalizm: Bir Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli,” Journal of Economics, Business, Politics and International Relations, 1(1), 49-62.
Book Chapters
1.Yeniaras, V., Kaya, I. & Dayan, M. (2020) The role of business and political ties and unlearning: implications for competitive capabilities and customer capital in emerging economies in Academic Studies in Social Sciences, 339-370, ISBN: 978-9940-46-009-9.
2.Yeniaras, V. (2020) Government favouritism of religion, social capital and consumer spending (2020) in Academic Studies in Economic and Administrative Studies, 222-232, ISBN: 978-9940-46-008-2.
1.Yeniaras, V. (2020) “İlişkisel Bağlar, Örgütsel Esneklik Ve Doğaçlama: Türkiye’de Finansal Ve Finansal Olmayan Performans Üzerine Etkisi, 4. International Conference on Social & Human sciences.
2.Yeniaras, V. (2020) “Relational governance, organizational unlearning and learning: Implications for performance outcomes”, 5.Uluslararası EMI Girişimcilik ve Sosyal Bilimleri Kongresi.
3.Yeniaras, V., Simintiras, A. & Balabanis, G. (2013) “The Development and Validation of a Consumer Confidence Scale”, Academy of Marketing Science Conference (INFORMS)
4.Yeniaras, V., Simintiras, A. & Balabanis, G. (2013) “Consumer Confidence Re-Visited and Re-Measured”, American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
5.Yeniaras, V. (2016). “Are Consumer Confidence Indices Moderated by the Life Expectancy Miscalibration?” International Management Development Association (IMDA).