Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Özyeğin University Faculty of Business and Graduate School of Business Code of Academic Integrity

Özyeğin University Faculty of Business and Graduate School of Business Code of Academic Integrity

Academic integrity can be briefly described as honest and moral behavior in all academic settings, including the classroom. Without academic integrity, that is, in the absence of honesty and morality in academic conduct, individuals and organizations in academia lose their trustworthiness, credibility and reputation. Özyeğin University’s Code of Ethics (https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/en/about-us/principles- and-policies/code-ethics) requires strict adherence to academic integrity on the part of all members.

Özyeğin University has a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of academic dishonesty and misconduct. Students who submit work in violation of academic honesty will be subject to penalties in their grades and/or disciplinary action depending on the severity of their actions. These penalties may include work being treated as “no submission” (i.e. receiving 0 points), failing the course, cancellation of the scholarship, suspension from the University, etc. Repeatedly and pervasively engaging in academic dishonesty will be subject to harsher penalties.

Academic dishonesty and misconduct may manifest themselves in various guises which include, but are not limited to committing or attempting to commit (intentionally or unintentionally) the following actions:

  • Plagiarism: use and representation of someone else’s language, ideas, arguments, or findings as one’s own work in any academic exercise without properly acknowledging its source with Examples:
    • copy another person’s paper, article, or computer work and submit it for an assignment,
    • copy, quote, paraphrase or summarize any source without adequate documentation and citation,
    • purchase a work and submit it as your own work,
    • submitting own work from other courses that were already graded.
  • Cheating: receiving or giving unauthorized aid in an assessment procedure and using or attempting to use assistance, material (e.g., a cheat sheet, electronic device), or any other type of study aid for which no authorization is provided by the Examples:
    • doing someone’s work for them,
    • have another person to do the work for you,
    • preventing someone else from using authorized assistance in competitive types of assessments.
  • Fabrication: contriving or altering information/data in any academic exercise. Examples:
    • fabricating or altering existing information for an assessment, instead of collecting the information.
    • citing nonexistent articles, etc,
    • falsely obtaining a health report to avoid an assignment.
  • Unfair advantage: gain unauthorized advantage over fellow students in an academic Examples:
    • gaining or providing access to examination materials without authorization,
    • obstructing or interfering with another student’s efforts in an academic exercise,
    • lying about a need for a time extension for an assessment with a strict deadline,
    • adding courses to the academic schedule with the intention of later dropping them so that an accomplice can add the course.
  • Aiding/facilitating the academic misconduct of others: Intentionally providing help or attempting to provide help to another to commit any form of academic dishonesty or Examples:
    • working together on a take-home exam.

Students who are unsure about whether or not their actions constitute a violation of academic integrity should consult with academic staff to clarify any ambiguities
