Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

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Sectoral Orienteering

Sectoral Orienteering

What is Sectoral Orienteering


SO: Career Days Reengineered The ÖzÜ Way



It is our pleasure to welcome you to the eleventh annual “Sectoral Orienteering”; one of the flagship events organized by the Sectoral Education and Professional Development team. This year’s event is taking place between 14-18 March 2022.


We bring together the leading names of the business world with our students in many different themes such as sectoral talks, panels, case studies, interview simulations, cultural events, interviews and workshop studies.


The resulting two week program also recognizes the diverse personal interests and different career goals of our students, and promises to offer something for everyone from ScOLa students to our alumni. As such, it offers invaluable opportunities to experience more than 40 variety of academic, professional, social and sportive events featuring about 35 organizations of all types and sizes.


Sectoral Education and Professional Development
