Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarship Opportunities for The Graduate School of Science and Engineering Graduate Programs (except Financial Engineering) (2024-2025)

Full-time students accepted to doctorate or master’s with thesis programs at Ozyegin University (OzU) are usually offered a 100% tuition waiver. In addition, majority of these students are provided with comprehensive scholarship opportunities from OzU resources and/or funded projects.

The scholarship opportunities that will be effective in the academic year of 2024-2025 (as of Sep. 1, 2024) for full-time students accepted to doctorate and master’s with thesis programs are as follows.

Doctorate Scholarship Package





34,000 TL

29,000 TL

24,000 TL

Free Dorm Room or Transportation Subsidy*

Double occupancy room or 6,000 TL

Stipend Supplement After Passing Qualification Exam*

5,000 TL

Private Health Insurance (whole year)


Laptop or Desktop Computer


Conference Support**

At least once during the program

Tuition Waiver


Publication Award

The details of the conditions of the award can be obtained from the secretariat of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering.

Master’s with Thesis Scholarship Package





24,000 TL

19,000 TL

14,000 TL

Free Dorm Room or Transportation Subsidy*

Double occupancy room or 6,000 TL

Private Health Insurance (whole year)


Laptop or Desktop Computer


Conference Support**

At least once during the program

Tuition Waiver


Publication Award

The details of the conditions of the award can be obtained from the secretariat of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering.

*For doctorate, throughout 12 months of the year. For master's with thesis, throughout 12 months of the year ecept for Architecture; 9 months of the year for Architecture.

**Conference participation support is given if the student is presenting a paper at a conference within the scope of his/her thesis.