Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr
Objective 3: To make a difference in student success and experience
Objective 3: To make a difference in student success and experience
Objective 3: To make a difference in student success and experience
Goal 6. To reach undergraduate career targets.
- Ratio of Access to Graduates from Undergraduate Programs
- Ratio of Undergraduate Graduates Who Are Employed, Progressed to Graduate School and Became Entrepreneurs
- Ratio of Progression to Graduate School from Undergraduate Prog.
- Ratio of Graduated from Undergraduate Programs Who Are Entrepreneurs
Goal 7. To graduate students with strong academic background.
- Average GPA of Graduates from Baccalaureate Programs
- Average GPA of International Graduates from Baccalaureate Programs
- Level of Achievement of Program Outcomes Among Graduates from Baccalaureate Programs
- Level of Achievement of Program Outcomes Among international Graduates from Baccalaureate Programs
Goal 8. To provide a transformative undergraduate education.
- Ratio of Graduates Who Has Participated to the Faculty Research Projects
- Ratio of Graduates Who Has Contributed to Professional Development Activities in His / Her Discipline
- Ratio of Graduates Who Has Taken an Active Role in Student Clubs
- Ratio of Graduates Who Has Benefited from Credit-Free Internships Provided by Professional Development
- Ratio of Graduates Who Has Worked Part Time as Students
- Ratio of Graduates Who Has Participated in Voluntary Social Responsibility Projects
- Ratio of Graduates Who Has Attended National or International Competitions
- Ratio of Graduates Who Has Participated to An Exchange Program
Goal 9. To continuously improve the undergraduate education quality.
- Average UG Course Evaluation Survey Result
- Number of Accredited Programs
- Number of Courses That Innovative Methods Are Used
- Ratio of Students Completing Prep School in One Year
- Ratio of Students Completing Prep School in Two Years
- Four Year Graduation Rate
- Five Year Graduation Rate
- Six Year Graduation Rate
- Seven Year Graduation Rate
- Average Time for Graduation for Undergraduates (from the Major Program)
- Five Year Graduation Rate of International Students