Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr



About Public Law PhD Program

Banding young researchers together who are graduates of the Master's program and want to do a deeper study and research in a field of law and  distinguished jurists who are experts in the field of law will contribute to the development of Turkish legal literature.For this purpose, our PhD program students will make evaluations and researchs in many areas of law in the context of theory and practice in a globalizing world, in order to gain academic perspective and deep knowledge analysis skills thus provide qualified contribution to both academia and the world of application.In order to provide experts who generate solution with an academic point of view to complicated legal problems and disputes both national and international level, our university’s distinguished academic staff share their experiences and solution oriented knowledge with young researchers in both theory and practice. In this education program which is conducted in Turkish, it is planned to contribute to the development of the quality of Turkish law education at the international level by contributing to the social needs through the academic research studies and introducing new permanent works to the world of science.


In the light of scientific data, emerging multidisciplinary structure of modern law is given to our students through seminars, conferences and lessons which have multi dimensional and rich content including the latest developments in energy Law, medical law, sports law, IT law in addition to theory education and judicial decision analysis of traditional disciplines in public law like administration law, constitution law, public international law, human rights law, refugee, legal philosophy, etc. Our aim is educate searcher, idealist, fair, confident, respectable lawyers who have knowledge and skill in the field of law, and  comprehends the logic of law and understands zeitgeist, who can defend the rule of law and democracy and  state of law on every platform and in accordance with universal criminal justice and ethical rules, can produce solutions to legal and economic disputes.

In addition to our university's medium and long term scientific planning targets, by establishing public law research institutes; the aim is to prepare an ambitious, superior young and dynamic academic infrastructure which is creative, innovative, open to critical thinking, adopting the principle of efficient service to our country and its people, contributing to science and supporting their knowledge on the institutional level through international publications.