Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

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SEC 401 Sectoral Practicum

SEC 401 Sectoral Practicum


Course Objective:

To familiarize students with the planning, organizing, and reporting processes of a real-world project in an organizational context; and with generating, evaluating, and demonstrating solutions for a given problem.

Course Description:

SEC 401 is the bridge between theory and practice: between the theories, methods, and concepts acquired during the first three years of the BA/BSc program and the problems and challenges of real-world organizational contexts. Through this practicum students will demonstrate their ability to:

  • Recognize the relations between a real-world problem and the theories, methods and concepts acquired in the business administration program
  • Apply knowledge (theories and concepts) acquired from the courses in the business administration program in a real-world organizational context
  • Analyze a real-world organizational context
  • Plan and organize teamwork
  • Generate solutions for real-world problems
  • Evaluate and select solutions and defend the choices made
  • Demonstrate that chosen solutions work in practice

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, the learners are expected to be able to:

  • Demonstrate how the chosen solution can be implemented
  • Write a report on the entire process
  • Recognize how the problem relates to the theories and concepts acquired from courses in the business administration program
  • Identify which theories and concepts should be employed to carry out a given project in order to solve a specific problem
  • Plan and organize group work for carrying out the given project
  • Analyze the problem context: the internal and external environment of the client organization
  • Criticize the problem context: the internal and external environment of the client organization
  • Generate potential alternative solutions to the problem based on 1) the analysis of the problem context, and 2) relevant theories and concepts
  • Critically evaluate the alternative solutions
  • Justify and defend the choice of solution for implementation

Student Comments: