Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Çekmeköy Kampüsü Nişantepe Mahallesi Orman Sokak 34794 Çekmeköy İstanbul

Telefon : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99





Pınar Uğurlar - Travel Grant, Copenhagen University, 2023

Pınar Uğurlar - International Fellowship Grant, Center for Social and Economic Behavior Cologne, University of Cologne, July 2022 – December 2023


İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Publons Peer Review Award, for placing in the top 1% of reviewers in psychiatry and psychology, Publons, 2019 


İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Excellent Reviewer in 2018, Asia Pacific Education Review Journal Publons Peer Review Award, for placing in the top 1% of reviewers in social sciences, Publons, 2018 


Alper Açık - The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey achievement award for H2020 project PLOTINA, September 2017

M. Selenga Gürmen - European Commission, Horizon 2020, Seal of Excellence 

M. Selenga Gürmen - Horizon2020 Above-Threshold Award, TÜBİTAK, €3000 

Pınar Uğurlar - Honorable Mention for the Best Paper Award, European Social Cognition Network, 2017


İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Nominated for Folsom Distinguished Dissertation Award. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015- 2016 

İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Diamond Anniversary Fellowship, Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society, May 2016 

Alper Açık - BAGEP prize (awarded annually to young researchers in Turkey by the Bilim Akademisi - Science Academy), March 2016

Ayfer Dost-Gözkan - Seal of Excellence Award, TÜBİTAK & European Commission

M. Selenga Gürmen - Horizon2020 Above-Threshold Award, TÜBİTAK, €2000 

G. Tarcan Kumkale - BAGEP- Science Academy Young Scientist Award

Ercenur Ünal - Graduate Fellowship, University of Delaware Office of Graduate and Professional Education 2015-2016


İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Cultural Ambassador Fellowship, Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, September 2015 

İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Diamond Anniversary Fellowship, Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society, May 2015 

İbrahim Hakkı Acar - David H. & Anne E. Larrick Memorial Travel Fund (SRCD), Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, March 2015

İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Jean Dearth Dickerscheid Doctoral Fellowship, Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society, September 2015 

İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Kappa Omicron Nu-Zeta Alumni Fellowship, Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2014- 2015 

İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Graduate Student Fellowship, Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2014- 2015 

Pınar Uğurlar - Fellowship, Summer School on Meaning and Purpose, IDC Herzliya, Tel Aviv, 2015

Ercenur Ünal - 2015 Dissertation Award, University of Delaware Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences 

Ercenur Ünal - Professional Development Award, University of Delaware 


İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Nominated for Outstanding Graduate Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2013- 2014 

Duygu Gürleyik - Henry J. and Betty Montoye Endowed Scholarship ($3,000)

M. Selenga Gürmen - CTAMFT Best Student Poster Award - Best Integration of Culture and Contex 

Hakan Karşılar - International Conference on Timing and Time Perception, Corfu, Greece - 1 st place in poster presentation competition 

Hakan Karşılar - International Psychology Conference, Bursa, Turkey - 1 st place in poster presentation competition

Pınar Uğurlar - Fellowship, Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, 2014

Pınar Uğurlar - Fellowship, ISPP Summer Academy, International Society of Political Psychology, Rome, 2014

Pınar Uğurlar - Travel Grant, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2014

Senem Zeytinoğlu Saydam - Ivan Boszomenyi-Nagy Social Justice Award 


Duygu Gürleyik - Fellowship for the Enhancement of Global Understanding, MSU ($3,500)

Duygu Gürleyik - Summer Research Development Fellowship, MSU ($5,000)

Ercenur Ünal - Professional Development Award, University of Delaware 

Senem Zeytinoğlu Saydam - Family Process Institute New Writers Fellowship 


İbrahim Hakkı Acar - President’s Fellowship, Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society

İbrahim Hakkı Acar - Newkirk Funding Travel Award (SRCD), Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln 

Duygu Gürleyik - Kinesiology Graduate Recruiting Fellowship, ($3,000) 

G. Tarcan Kumkale - GEBIP- Turkish National Academy of Sciences-Young Scientist Award 

Pınar Uğurlar - PhD Scholarship, TÜBİTAK, 2012-2017

Ercenur Ünal - 2012 Paula Menyuk Travel Award, Boston University Conference on Language Development 


Duygu Gürleyik - The Stout Summer Research Assistantship, ($1,500) 

M. Selenga Gürmen - CTAMFT Best Student Poster Award – Most Innovative Research 

G. Tarcan Kumkale - ODTÜ Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Vakfı, Young Scientist Award

Ercenur Ünal - 2011 Excellence in Graduate Studies Award, Koç University Graduate School of Social Science and Humanities

Senem Zeytinoğlu Saydam - Boot camp for Aspiring Marriage and Family Therapy Professors, Park City, UT 


Gizem Arıkan - Gordon Trasler Award for congress presentation, School of Psychology, University of Southampton, UK

Ayfer Dost-Gözkan - Monte Bliss Award on Research on Child Development, Clark University

G. Tarcan Kumkale - GEBIP- Turkish National Academy of Sciences-Young Scientist Award 

Senem Zeytinoğlu Saydam - Travel Award Drexel University Office of Graduate Studies


Asiye Kumru - Jacobs International Scholars Award, Society of Research in Child Development

Pınar Uğurlar - Travel Grant, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey


Nilüfer Kafescioğlu - Indiana Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Graduate Student Research Award 

Nilüfer Kafescioğlu - Purdue University Graduate Student Government Travel Grant 

Nilüfer Kafescioğlu - Purdue University Department of Child Development and Family Studies Graduate Student Travel Fellowship 


Gizem Arıkan - United Kingdom Overseas Research Students Award Scheme (ORSAS)

Nilüfer Kafescioğlu - Purdue University Gladys E. Vail Kappa Omicron Nu Scholarship 


Gizem Arıkan - 2nd in Turkish Psychological Association, ‘Research Competition for Young Psychologists’, Turkey

Nilüfer Kafescioğlu - Purdue University Center For Families, Van Scoyoc Fellowship


Asiye Kumru - Career Research Fellowship, Scientific &Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2005- 2011 


G. Tarcan Kumkale - Pioneer Psychology Faculty Award, University of Florida

Asiye Kumru - Johann Jacobs Foundation International Young Scholars Award, Society of Research on Adolescent


G. Tarcan Kumkale - Grinter Fellowship, University of Florida

Asiye Kumru - Warden Research Grant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


G. Tarcan Kumkale - Outstanding International Student Award, CLAS, University of Florida

Asiye Kumru - Warden Travel Grant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Asiye Kumru - Warden Research Grant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


H. Canan Sümer - Dunlap Fellowship Award, Kansas State University