Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

BSME Required
BUS 101.A Introduction to Business I (Decision Making),
BUS 102.A Introduction to Business II (Entrepreneurship),
CHEM 111.A Chemistry for Engineering,
CS 104.A Introduction to Programming,
ECON 210.A Introduction to Economics,
ENG 101.A English I,
ENG 102.A English II,
ENG 303.A Technical Communication,
FE 101.A Being an Engineer,
HIST 201.A Principles of Ataturk and History of the Turkish Republic I,
HIST 202.A Principles of Ataturk and History of the Turkish Republic II,
MATH 103.A Calculus for Engineering I,
MATH 104.A Calculus for Engineering II,
MATH 212.A Differential Equations,
ME 112.A Introduction to Manufacturing Methods,
ME 202.A Thermodynamics,
ME 211.A Engineering Mechanics: Statics,
ME 212.A Solid Mechanics,
ME 214.A Numerical Analysis in Engineering,
ME 256.A Materials Science,
ME 311.A Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics,
ME 312.A Mechanical Systems and Control,
ME 321.A Fluid Mechanics,
ME 324.A Design of Thermal Systems,
ME 334.A Mechanical Design,
ME 401.A ME Senior Project I,
ME 402.A ME Senior Project II,
PHYS 101.A Physics I,
PHYS 102.A Physics II,
SEC 101.A Introduction to University ,
SEC 201.A Introduction to Sectors,
SEC 202.A Responsible Citizenship and Impact,
TLL 101.A Turkish Language and Literature I,
TLL 102.A Turkish Language and Literature II,
BSME Internship
ME 300.A Internship I,
ME 400.A Internship II,
FE Certificate Elective
CS 391.A Web Application Development (Certificate Elective),
CS 399.A Communications Security (Certificate Elective),
IE 391.A Project Management (Certificate Elective),
IE 396.A Agile Software and Product Development,
BSME Program Elective
CE 205.A Construction Materials,
CS 423.A Computer Vision,
EE 203.A Digital Systems,
EE 321.A Microprocessors,
EE 372.A Basics of Electrical Machines,
ME 413.A Robotics I,
ME 428.A Materials Characterization with X-ray Diffraction,
ME 440.A Mechanical VibrationS,
ME 442.A Biomechanics of Human Motion,
FE Social Sciences Elective
HIST 103.A World History I,
HIST 104.A World History II,
HIST 311.A History of Travel and Wonders,
HUM 302.A Seriality in Media and Literature,
IR 101.A Introduction to Political Science,
IR 312.A American Politics,
MUSIC 103.A Music of the World,
PSY 100.A General Psychology,
PSY 324.A Sensation and Perception,
SOC 201.A Introduction to Social Sciences,
SOC 302.A Sociology and Politics of Religion and Secularism,
SOC 304.A Sociology of Work and Employment: An Introduction to Modern Working Life,
FE Free Elective
ANTH 101.A Introduction to Anthropology,
ARB 101.A Arabic I,
ART 101.A Painting I,
ART 102.A Painting II,
ART 103.A Drawing,
ART 110.A Art of Marbling,
ART 111.A Woodblock Printing,
AVM 101.A Air Transportation,
AVM 415.A Sustainability in Aviation,
CE 102.A Introduction to Civil Engineering,
CE 205.A Construction Materials,
CE 208.A Construction Management,
CE 306.A Foundation Engineering,
CE 409.A Prestressed Concrete,
CE 427.A Earthquake-Resistant Design of Structures,
CE 468.A Introduction to Machine Learning Applications in Maritime Engineering,
CE 471.A Construction Contract Dynamics-Navigation Complexities and Strategic Perspectives,
CE 489.A Green Building Project,
CHN 102.A Chinese II,
CHN 202.A Chinese IV,
CS 102.A Object-Oriented Programming,
CS 105.A Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming,
CS 201.A Data Structures and Algorithms,
CS 202.A Database Management Systems,
CS 240.A Computer Architecture,
CS 320.A Software Engineering,
CS 333.A Analysis of Algorithms,
CS 350.A Operating Systems,
CS 391.A Web Application Development (Certificate Elective),
CS 399.A Communications Security (Certificate Elective),
CS 409.A Advanced C++ Programming,
CS 412.A Bioinformatics Algorithms,
CS 418.A Networked Entertainment,
CS 419.A Parallel Computing,
CS 423.A Computer Vision,
CS 443.A Processor Microarchitecture,
CS 446.A Security for Network Technologies,
CS 447.A Computer Networks,
CS 451.A Introduction to Artifical Intelligence,
CS 452.A Data Science with Python,
CS 454.A Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks,
ECON 403.A Independent Study - ECON,
EE 202.A Circuit Analysis,
EE 203.A Digital Systems,
EE 204.A Electromagnetics,
EE 301.A Electronics I,
EE 302.A AI-Based Digital Signal Processing,
EE 321.A Microprocessors,
EE 367.A Introduction to Optics,
EE 372.A Basics of Electrical Machines,
EE 422.A Digital Speech Processing,
EE 432.A Advanced MATLAB for Signal Processing,
EE 444.A Wireless Communications,
EE 450.A Wireless Networks,
EE 473.A Energy Systems,
ENTR 201.A Entrepreneurship,
ENTR 302.A Business Model Design,
ENTR 304.A Human-Centered Design,
ENTR 404.A Capstone Project,
FIN 202.A Finance,
FIN 204.A Financial Statement Analysis,
FIN 301.A Investments,
FIN 302.A Corporate Finance,
FIN 314.A Real Estate Finance,
FIN 403.A Independent Study - FIN,
FRE 101.A French I,
FRE 102.A French II,
FRE 201.A French III,
FRE 202.A French IV,
GER 101.A German I,
GER 102.A German II,
GER 201.A German III,
GER 202.A German IV,
HIST 103.A World History I,
HIST 104.A World History II,
HIST 303.A Principles of Ataturk and History of the Turkish Republic I (for Foreigners),
HIST 304.A Principles of Ataturk and History of the Turkish Republic II (for Foreigners),
HIST 311.A History of Travel and Wonders,
HIST 312.A History of Soviet Russia,
HUM 302.A Seriality in Media and Literature,
HUM 322.A Safe Sport and Gender,
IE 201.A Operations Research I,
IE 203.A Engineering Economy,
IE 246.A Programming for Operations Research,
IE 301.A Operations Research II,
IE 302.A Production Systems Analysis,
IE 325.A Simulation Modelling and Analysis,
IE 391.A Project Management (Certificate Elective),
IE 396.A Agile Software and Product Development,
IE 416.A Blockchain Technologies in Finance,
IR 101.A Introduction to Political Science,
IR 204.A International Organizations,
IR 312.A American Politics,
IR 319.A Middle East Politics,
IR 320.A Gender and Politics,
IR 334.A Political Economy of European Integration,
IR 403.A Global Food Politics,
IR 404.A Political Geography,
IR 416.A The Future of Global Security,
IR 418.A Advanced Research Methods in Political Science,
IR 430.A Politics of Latin America,
ITA 101.A Italian I,
ITA 102.A Italian II,
ITA 201.A Italian III,
ITA 202.A Italian IV,
MATH 112.A Discrete Mathematics,
MATH 211.A Linear Algebra,
MATH 215.A Probability and Random Variables,
MATH 216.A Applied Statistics,
MATH 217.A Probability and Statistics ,
ME 413.A Robotics I,
ME 428.A Materials Characterization with X-ray Diffraction,
ME 440.A Mechanical VibrationS,
ME 442.A Biomechanics of Human Motion,
MGMT 312.A Organization Theory and Design,
MGMT 317.A Business Ethics,
MGMT 402.A Strategy,
MIS 306.A Fundamentals of E-Business,
MIS 317.A Cloud Computing for Business,
MKTG 313.A Marketing Strategy,
MKTG 314.A Consumer Behavior,
MKTG 315.A International Marketing,
MKTG 403.A Independent Study - MKTG,
MUSIC 103.A Music of the World,
PE 101.A Tennis,
PE 102.A Swimming,
PE 104.A Billiards I,
PE 105.A Sailing,
PE 107.A Chess,
PE 112.A Table Tennis,
PE 114.A Refereeing,
PE 116.A Self Defense,
PE 119.A Basic Fitness Education,
PE 120.A Bridge,
PE 121.A Life Saving in Water and First Aid,
PE 123.A Basic Disaster Prevention and First-Aid Training,
PHIL 102.A Introduction to Philosophy,
PSY 100.A General Psychology,
PSY 324.A Sensation and Perception,
PSY 427.A Gender, Leadership, and Diversity at Work,
RUS 101.A Russian I,
RUS 102.A Russian II,
RUS 201.A Russian III,
RUS 202.A Russian IV,
SEC 150.A Living with Mindfullness,
SEC 280.A Digital Transformation,
SEC 302.A Sectoral Solutions: Local Expertise,
SEC 402.A Business Integration,
SEC 403.A Sectoral Practicum III,
SEC 499.A Building a New Business,
SOC 201.A Introduction to Social Sciences,
SOC 302.A Sociology and Politics of Religion and Secularism,
SOC 304.A Sociology of Work and Employment: An Introduction to Modern Working Life,
SPA 101.A Spanish I,
SPA 102.A Spanish II,
SPA 201.A Spanish III,
SPA 202.A Spanish IV,
TURK 101.A Turkish for Foreigners I,
TURK 102.A Turkish for Foreigners II,